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Carmel Farmers Market

"What makes the farmers market such a special place is that you are actually creating community around food." - Bryant Terry



"One of my favorite smells is newborn babies. That's a favorite smell or like (a) new car. Those are smells I've had recently in my life, so those are good ones. They kind of signify a new beginning. A newborn baby or young baby or toddler—they just smell so innocent.  A lot of people just love smells of newborns. They're just delicious. New car is fun. (It represents) a new beginning; you get to start a new adventure."


Dad: "She's so energetic that it is very contagious. She's very outgoing too. She talks a lot with the customers. It is so entertaining to be with her."

Daughter: "(My favorite part about working with my dad is) the way he helps me fix my mistakes. It's so much easier to know what to do around him, and easy knowing the fact that, 'Ok, (with him here) that means I don't mess up.'"


"When we took (our dog) to the Indiana State Dunes and (he) got to swim in Lake Michigan for the first time, (that was my favorite moment with him). He was having a lot of fun, and it was his first time so it was fun to see him experience the water. (His name is) Toby. We were watching a TV show that had (the name Toby) in it, and we thought it was a good dog name."


"Obviously, (flowers are) beautiful and appealing to the eye, but there's (also) an energy about them that is just very uplifting to the soul—that speaks to the soul. That's what I think is beautiful about flowers."

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"Well, I actually love working here since I'm a volunteer. I've been working with them for many, many years. I'm in charge of the music, and I love listening to the music and seeing everyone sitting around it, you know, eating and listening to music. I had a friend who was a volunteer. She suggested (I try volunteering) and once I tried it, I just fell in love with the people—both the vendors and the other volunteers."


"(My favorite smell is) probably sugar cookies. I love sugar cookies. (The smell gives) that nostalgic, like, growing-up-and-mom-in-the-kitchen-making-cookies feeling. It brings that (feeling) back."


If you could say anything to your younger self, what would you say?

"Don't take your opportunities for granted because they don't come back, so everything that you are offered, (you should) at least try it. Anything that you learn take from those experiences what you can. All the life lessons you learn from every other person are going to influence you down the road in ways you wouldn't expect."


"I attempted suicide like three years ago, and I think for me, (my proudest moment is when) I realized how impactful that actually would be. I kind of woke up one day and realized that I didn't want to die like a year and a half ago. I was just so happy, like, I never thought I'd reach that point as a person. I don't know; I was just so happy that I had grown so much. I felt really proud of that."

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