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Sharing stories from people across Carmel.



"I attempted suicide like three years ago, and I think for me, (my proudest moment is when) I realized how impactful that actually would be. I kind of woke up one day and realized that I didn't want to die like a year and a half ago. I was just so happy, like, I never thought I'd reach that point as a person. I don't know; I was just so happy that I had grown so much. I felt really proud of that."


"That little boy that I just passed. I was going to tell her, 'I'll give you one of (my dogs) if you give me that cute little toddler. (My son is) 28. He's adopted; he's my miracle. I would've had many more if it was possible. Babies and critters are my thing. They're what makes the world a better place. I think it's just their pure love. I mean, that's the only hope we have for the world is to put good people into it—so they can clean up what we've messed up."

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"Well, I actually love working here since I'm a volunteer. I've been working with them for many, many years. I'm in charge of the music, and I love listening to the music and seeing everyone sitting around it, you know, eating and listening to music. I had a friend who was a volunteer. She suggested (I try volunteering) and once I tried it, I just fell in love with the people—both the vendors and the other volunteers."


"I started trying (in high school) super late. I didn't care about my future until last year while the people I surround myself with started caring from the beginning. They have a plan (for college and their future) and know exactly what they have and what they can do while I'm still in the process of figuring that out myself. But, like, I've reached a point where it's like, 'I'm where I'm at because of what I've done.' The mistakes I've made have put me in my position and you just accept it eventually and you try to make do with what you have. It might be too late for some things but it's never too late to try your best with what you have. People end up where they are meant to (be). Things may not go the way you want but whatever happens happens for a reason, and you just have to trust the process."


"Obviously, (flowers are) beautiful and appealing to the eye, but there's (also) an energy about them that is just very uplifting to the soul—that speaks to the soul. That's what I think is beautiful about flowers."


"(My favorite smell is) probably sugar cookies. I love sugar cookies. (The smell gives) that nostalgic, like, growing-up-and-mom-in-the-kitchen-making-cookies feeling. It brings that (feeling) back."


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